Reader Space - Bracelets from Bottles

/ Tuesday, February 21, 2012 /
Good Morning Everyone!!!
Hope you are all having a fantastic day.
Today, I would like to introduce you to a wonderful blog.

Rebekah, from Accidentally Wonderful sent me an amazing tutorial on using plastic bottles to make bracelets. It was just too good not to share. Here is how she did it. 

{The following is in Rebekah's own words}

Bracelets from Bottles

To start, I cut the middle out of a water bottle about an inch and a half wide.  I got some fabric and a piece of felt to wrap it.

 Cut the felt wider than the bracelet and hot glue it down.

Wrap the felt all the way around and glue it down.

Put hot glue on the inside of the bracelet and attatch the extra felt to the inside, wrapping it around the edges.

Get the fabric that you want to cover the bracelet with and wrap it the same way you did the felt.

After I wrapped the fabric, I attatched some fabric rosettes using the same technique as I did here.

I like how it turned out.   I did another one wrapped in yarn.
 Start by tying the yarn around the bracelet piece and keep wrapping.

 When you get finished wrapping it, you can leave it plain or add a pattern. I added a criss-cross pattern.

I like this one more than the other one!

What did I tell you? Amazing, right?!! 
Click HERE to view this post on the Accidently Wonderful Blog.
Click HERE to see more amazing tutorials made by Rebekah


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I feature 1 or 2 projects throughout the week and I am currently working on a "Top Projects to do over the Weekend" were I will be featuring even more of YOUR amazing ideas.


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